Last time I helped out someone with ransomware over at the Bleeping Computer forums, I was able to recover the ransomed JPEG files.
A first look at the file with the file command did not help me:
file data
Neither did a look at the header with a hex editor tell me much more.
But when I analyzed the file with one of my tools to calculate byte statistics (, I noticed something:
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The file has a high byte entropy: 7.815519, thats almost the maximum (8.0). So the file appears to be a set of random bytes, e.g. an encrypted file.
But my program not only calculates the entropy for the whole file (along with other properties), but it also splits the file in buckets (10KB size by default) and calculates the entropy (and other properties) for each bucket. The second entropy value produced by the analysis (5.156678) is the lowest entropy calculated for the buckets (85 in total for this file). And an entropy of 5 is much lower than the entropy of encrypted or compressed data. So somewhere in this file there is data that doesn" />
Somewhere around position 0x5000, data doesn" />
The entropy of this file looks uniformly high.
I often look at the entropy when I analyze files. Many of my analysis tools include entropy calculations. For example, provides the entropy of each section of a PE file, allowing me to quickly identify packed sections.
Didier Stevens
Microsoft MVP Consumer Security
IT Security consultant at Contraste Europe.