Post Syndicated from corbet original
Thomas Gleixner wrote the following to us: The Linux Kernel community is
mourning the passing of Hans-Jürgen Koch. Hans
was a free-software enthusiast and an active contributor. He worked on Radio
Data System support both in kernel and user space and was the main author and
maintainer of the UIO subsystem and contributed in various ways to the Linux
kernel as a professional and hobbyist. He authored a UIO book, gave
talks at various open-source conferences, and served as a member of the
Linuxtag program committee.
His calm and modest nature made it a pleasure to work with him. Meeting him in
person was always a enjoyable experience. His interests spanned a broad range
from literature, music and history to politics and engagement for the german
branch of Friends of the Earth. His wicked sense of humor along with his
always ready to be told bag of anecdotes enlivened quite some social events.
He will be sorely missed and our thoughts are with his family and friends.