Post Syndicated from mikesefanov original
Doug DePerry, Senior Security Engineer, Paranoids
In our inaugural post to The Paranoid, we discussed the human element behind online attacks–the human adversary. We sought to give some perspectives as to who is behind online threats in order to better understand how to defend against them. Yahoo’s bug bounty program applies that insight in our ongoing efforts to provide a safe environment for our users. By thinking about the economics of security, we’ve found that we can tilt the advantage in our favor by partnering with industry-leading security researchers.
We often get questions from both security researchers, and people just interested in learning about how programs like these work. We thought we’d use this opportunity to take a quick look under the hood.
First, some background. Bug bounty programs essentially crowd-source security. They allow companies to improve coverage so they are able to add additional eyes where they need them. Bug bounty researchers also bring depth of expertise and different skill sets that can uncover hard to find bugs.
For the past two years, Yahoo has developed one of the largest and most successful bug bounty programs in the industry. We’ve paid out over $1.7 million dollars in bounties, resolved more than 2,000 security bugs and maintain a “hackership” of more than 2,000 researchers, some of whom make careers out of it.
Security researchers often ask us how we decide the payout associated with a given bug report. At first it might seem logical that we pay based on the type or classification of a security bug. Some bug types tend to be bad, so you might think that they would be paid the same. However, in the vast majority of cases, that’s not the complete story. So if the bug type alone is not what we use to determine the payout, what is? The missing input to the calculation is the impact of the vulnerability. We take into account what data might have been exposed, the sensitivity of that data, the role that data plays, network location and the permissions of the server involved. Those factors are of great importance.
Given the importance of the impact of a bug, the Yahoo bug bounty program does not reward researchers solely based on bug type. The type of bug a security researcher finds is mostly irrelevant. It’s what the bug allows them to do and where that are most important. What can an attacker actually do with this specific bug to potentially affect the security of Yahoo or our users? Furthermore, Yahoo’s application landscape is not necessarily uniform; certain properties or applications are more equal than others.
Here’s an example to show how these factors work in practice. SQL injection bugs are often a devastating bug class because they can provide full access to a database. Odds are, if a company has a presence on the web, they are storing sensitive information in databases. But just because an attacker can access the database does not mean it’s game over. The real reason that the SQL injection bug class can be so devastating is the data stored in the database may be accessed or changed by unauthorized parties. The typical impact of a SQL injection bug is high because the data exposed is typically sensitive, except when it’s not. What if the database doesn’t contain any sensitive data?
Part of the process in determining impact can seem opaque to the researcher, and we understand that. That obscurity is an unfortunate but necessary fact of life in a bug bounty program. As an external party, it is just not possible to have all the information. The sort of testing available to participants in a public bug bounty program is inherently “black box”–no documentation, no source code, what you see is what you get.
So we encourage bug reporters to include in their reports what they believe the impact of the vulnerability to be (example report here). Submitting a report that contains a thorough and detailed explanation of a legitimate security issue is much more highly valued and rewarded.
We also work closely with the developers to ensure the bug is fixed in a timely manner, and to obtain their expert opinion on impact if necessary. If the developers that created the application tell us that no sensitive data is stored in a particular database, we take that into consideration when awarding your bug. More detailed guidelines for our bug bounty program are available at
To paraphrase a little-known quote, “bug bounty programs don’t reward you for being clever.” Users and researchers should know that we place far more weight on how impactful bugs are to our platforms.
For the hackers our there interested in how @yahoo’s Bug Bounty program works.