Post Syndicated from jake original
Debian-LTS has updated squidguard
(cross-site scripting).
Fedora has updated php-symfony-security-acl (F24: unspecified). Also, Fedora
has sent out a reminder that Fedora 22
will reach its end of life on July 19.
Mageia has updated chromium-browser-stable (multiple vulnerabilities), kernel-linus (multiple vulnerabilities, one from 2013), kernel-tmb (multiple vulnerabilities, one from 2013), libimobiledevice (socket listening on all
network interfaces), and python (three vulnerabilities).
openSUSE has updated libarchive
(42.1: code execution), mariadb (13.2: many
unspecified vulnerabilities), and obs-service-source_validator (42.1; 13.2:
code execution).
Red Hat has updated libxml2
(RHEL6&7: multiple vulnerabilities) and setroubleshoot and
setroubleshoot-plugins (RHEL7: three vulnerabilities).