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Arch Linux has updated thunderbird (code execution).
Fedora has updated community-mysql (F24: unspecified), davfs2 (F24: unspecified), gimp (F23: use-after-free), krb5 (F23: buffer overflow), and nodejs-ws (F24; F23: denial of service).
Gentoo has updated libpcre (multiple vulnerabilities) and squid (multiple vulnerabilities).
Mageia has updated drupal (privilege escalation), libreoffice (code execution), libvirt (authentication bypass), mbedtls (three vulnerabilities), spice (two vulnerabilities), struts (two vulnerabilities), and tcpreplay (denial of service).
openSUSE has updated glibc
(Leap42.1: multiple vulnerabilities), libircclient (13.1: insecure cipher suites),
and thunderbird (SPH for SLE12; Leap42.1, 13.2; 13.1: multiple vulnerabilities).
Red Hat has updated thunderbird
(RHEL5,6,7: code execution).
SUSE has updated GraphicsMagick
(SSO1.3, SLE11-SP4: multiple vulnerabilities), ImageMagick (SLE12-SP1; SLE11-SP4: many vulnerabilities), kvm (SLES11-SP4: multiple vulnerabilities),
and kernel (SLERTE12-SP1: multiple vulnerabilities).