Post Syndicated from Yev original
The newest intern to join the Marketing ranks is Aaron! He’s a high school student who’s just dipping his toes in the fantastical world of startups. He’ll be helping us work on our spreadsheets and making sure that all of our campaigns are properly cataloged and accounted for. Lets learn a bit more about Aaron shall we?
What is your Backblaze Title?
I’m a marketing intern working for Yev.
Where are you originally from?
I’m from the East Bay, and I’ve lived there my whole life.
What attracted you to Backblaze?
My dad, Andy Klein, joined Backblaze in 2012, and I’ve been hearing from him about the amazing growth of the company ever since. I originally wanted to join because I wanted to diversify my experience, get better with technology, and I was broke (the best motivator). Now, after being here for about a week, I have new reasons why I really appreciate working here. I feel, even if I am just a lowly marketing intern, I am doing so much more, because Backblaze is a small business that’s always growing bigger. Also, this company provides a service that anyone can relate to and that everyone needs, because everyone has data, and I think that’s special. Also, the free food. Food is always a plus.
What do you expect to learn while being at Backblaze?
I expect to learn how to work with spreadsheets, how to evaluate and work off raw data, and how the mysterious worlds of marketing and business work.
Where else have you worked?
Last summer, I worked as a catering server at Palmdale Estates in Fremont. It’s closed now, but they hosted A LOT of weddings there.
What’s your dream job?
My dream job is becoming a crime fighting vigilante, but my parents said no, so I’m going to settle for becoming a marine biologist or some other type of biologist.
Favorite place you’ve traveled?
My favorite place of traveled to was Australia. My family and I went to Sydney, Cairns, and the Australian outback. It was the most amazing trip I’ve ever done.
Favorite hobby?
I have a few, but my top two are building and flying model rockets with my friends and doing improv comedy shows for my school.
Star Trek or Star Wars?
Both are amazing shows, you can’t make me decide. They are unique in their own special ways, but I think they would be better as one. Captain Kirk with a lightsaber would be formidable.
Coke or Pepsi?
The old-style coca-cola that’s made in Mexico would beat Pepsi any day.
Favorite food?
Banana cream pie is one of my favorites, but I try to avoid it and only eat it for very special occasions.
Why do you like certain things?
I like to do things that will give me the opportunity to learn more and to help other people. I’m always looking to develop myself, learn new things, and try things I may be terrible at. Even if I end up being really, REALLY bad at something, I will learn from those experiences the most.
Anything else you’d like you’d like to tell us?
My current career plan here at Backblaze is to work my way to becoming a responsible and respectable intern for Yev, and then, when no when is expecting it, I will engineer a magnificent coup-d’etat and overthrow Yev, becoming Supreme Ruler of Marketing.
Someone on the marketing team that wants to overthrow me? He’ll fit right in!
The post Welcome Intern Aaron! appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.