Post Syndicated from Lennart Poettering original
Please note that the systemd.conf 2016
Call for Participation ends in less than two weeks, on Aug. 1st!
Please send in your talk proposal by then! We’ve already got a good
number of excellent submissions, but we are interested in yours even
We are looking for talks on all facets of systemd: deployment,
maintenance, administration, development. Regardless of whether you
use it in the cloud, on embedded, on IoT, on the desktop, on mobile,
in a container or on the server: we are interested in your
In addition to proposals for talks for the main conference, we are
looking for proposals for workshop sessions held during our
Workshop Day (the first day of the conference). The workshop format
consists of a day of 2-3h training sessions, that may cover any
systemd-related topic you’d like. We are both interested in
submissions from the developer community as well as submissions from
organizations making use of systemd! Introductory workshop sessions
are particularly welcome, as the Workshop Day is intended to open up
our conference to newcomers and people who aren’t systemd gurus yet,
but would like to become more fluent.
For further details on the submissions we are looking for and the CfP
process, please consult the CfP
page and
submit your proposal using the provided form!
And keep in mind:
REMINDER: Please sign up for the conference soon! Only a
limited number of tickets are available, hence make sure to secure
yours quickly before they run out! (Last year we sold out.) Please
sign up here for the
AND OF COURSE: We are also looking for more sponsors for
systemd.conf! If you are working on systemd-related projects, or make
use of it in your company, please consider becoming a sponsor of
Without our sponsors we couldn’t organize systemd.conf 2016!
Thank you very much, and see you in Berlin!