Post Syndicated from Robert Graham original
We can’t talk casually with lawyers, at parties or infosec conferences. For one thing, it’s an ethical problem for them, as they put a couple minute’s thought into a question that can have lifelong consequences for a you. For another thing, it puts them legal jeopardy if you (falsely) think there is an attorney-client relationship. This makes lawyers boring people at parties, because all they can discuss is nonsense like sports scores.
In an attempt to remedy this situation, so I can talk casually about the law, I’m writing the following open-letter:
Dear Lawyers:
Unless there is a written agreement signed by you and me, I’m not your client. I understand that I should not interpret any comment as actual legal advice. I know that we are talking about hypothetical situations, and that I should not try to apply that information to my own situation. I know that we are often making jokes, and taking such things seriously as “legal advice” would be against my interests. I’m the one at fault, deliberately instigating you into discussing hypotheticals and making such jokes, for the lulz.
Robert Graham
Of course, I don’t know if this letter will actually help lawyers chillax and talk more openly about the law. For that, I guess I’d need legal advice.