Post Syndicated from Rob Zwetsloot original
Although this Thursday will see the release of issue 49 of The MagPi, we’re already hard at work putting together our 50th issue spectacular. As part of this issue we’re going to be covering 50 of the best Raspberry Pi projects ever and we want you, the community, to vote for the top 20.
Below we have listed the 30 projects that we think represent the best of the best. All we ask is that you vote for your favourite. We will have a few special categories with some other amazing projects in the final article, but if you think we’ve missed out something truly excellent, let us know in the comments. Here’s the list so you can remind yourselves of the projects, with the poll posted at the bottom.
- SeeMore – a huge sculpture of 256 Raspberry Pis connected as a cluster
- BeetBox – beets (vegetable) you can use to play sick beats (music)
- Voyage – 300 paper boats (actually polypropylene) span a river, and you control how they light up
- Aquarium – a huge aquarium with Pi-powered weather control simulating the environment of the Cayman Islands
- ramanPi – a Raman spectrometer used to identify different types of molecules
- Joytone – an electronic musical instrument operated by 72 back-lit joysticks
- Internet of LEGO – a city of LEGO, connected to and controlled by the internet
- McMaster Formula Hybrid – a Raspberry Pi provides telemetry on this hybrid racing car
- PiGRRL – Adafruit show us how to make an upgraded, 3D-printed Game Boy
- Magic Mirror – check out how you look while getting some at-a-glance info about your day
- 4bot – play a game of Connect 4 with a Raspberry Pi robot
- Blackgang Chine dinosaurs – these theme park attractions use the diminutive Pi to make them larger than life
- Sound Fighter – challenge your friend to the ultimate Street Fight, controlled by pianos
- Astro Pi – Raspberry Pis go to space with code written by school kids
- Pi in the Sky – Raspberry Pis go to near space and send back live images
- BrewPi – a microbrewery controlled by a micro-computer
- LED Mirror – a sci-fi effect comes to life as you’re represented on a wall of lights
- Raspberry Pi VCR – a retro VCR-player is turned into a pink media playing machine
- #OZWall – Contemporary art in the form of many TVs from throughout the ages
- #HiutMusic – you choose the music for a Welsh denim factory through Twitter
- CandyPi – control a jelly bean dispenser from your browser without the need to twist the dial
- Digital Zoetrope – still images rotated to create animation, updated for the 21st century
- LifeBox – create virtual life inside this box and watch it adapt and survive
- Coffee Table Pi – classy coffee table by name, arcade cabinet by nature. Tea and Pac-Man, anyone?
- Raspberry Pi Notebook – this handheld Raspberry Pi is many people’s dream machine
- Pip-Boy 3000A – turn life into a Bethesda RPG with this custom Pip-Boy
- Mason Jar Preserve – Mason jars are used to preserve things, so this one is a beautiful backup server to preserve your data
- Pi glass – Google Glass may be gone but you can still make your own amazing Raspberry Pi facsimile
- DoodleBorg – a powerful PiBorg robot that can tow a caravan
- BigHak – a Big Trak that is truly big: it’s large enough for you to ride in
Now you’ve refreshed your memory of all these amazing projects, it’s time to vote for the one you think is best!
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.
The vote is running over the next two weeks, and the results will be in The MagPi 50. We’ll see you again on Thursday for the release of the excellent MagPi 49: don’t miss it!
The post Vote for the top 20 Raspberry Pi projects in The MagPi! appeared first on Raspberry Pi.