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Wednesday’s security updates


Post Syndicated from n8willis original http://lwn.net/Articles/698131/rss

CentOS has updated kernel
(C6: TCP injection).

Debian-LTS has updated libgcrypt11 (flawed random number generation).

Fedora has updated eog (F24:
out-of-bounds write),
kernel (F23: use-after-free), mariadb (F23: multiple vulnerabilities), mingw-lcms2 (F24: heap memory leak), postgresql (F23: multiple vulnerabilities), and python (F23: proxy injection).

openSUSE has updated libidn
(Leap 42.1: multiple vulnerabilities) and kernel (13.2: multiple vulnerabilities).

Oracle has updated kernel
(O6: TCP injection).

Red Hat has updated kernel (RHEL 7.1: multiple vulnerabilities; RHEL6: TCP injection)
and qemu-kvm-rhev (RHOSP8: multiple vulnerabilities).

Scientific Linux has updated kernel (SL6: TCP injection).

Slackware has updated gnupg
(flawed random number generation), kernel (14.2: TCP injection), and libgcrypt (flawed random number generation).

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