[Медийно право] [Нели Огнянова] : Към нова етика в областта на цифровите...
Европейският надзорен орган по защита на данните (ЕНОЗД) отговаря „за предоставянето на консултации на институциите и органите на Общността и субектите на данни по всички въпроси, свързани с...
View Article[Медийно право] [Нели Огнянова] : Резервационни данни на пътниците (PNR)
Дискусиите за евентуална схема за резервационни данни на пътниците (PNR) в ЕС се развиват от 2007 г. насам с предложението за рамково решение на Съвета относно този въпрос. Първоначалното предложение...
View Article[Медийно право] [Нели Огнянова] : Съд на ЕС: финансиране на обществена телевизия
В Официален вестник на ЕС е публикувано съобщение за решение на Общия съд по дело T-674/11 TV2Danmark/Комисия. Жалбата по настоящото дело има за предмет искане за отмяна на Решение 2011/839/ЕС на...
View ArticleTorrentFreak: Pirates Can Now Rip 4K Content From Netflix and Amazon
Pirates have found a new loophole that allows them to copy 4k movies and TV-shows from Netflix and Amazon. Up until recently these high quality 4K resolution rips were nonexistent, but a flurry of new...
View ArticleGrigor Gatchev - A Weblog: „Игритенаглада“
Много хора прочетоха книгата. Още повече гледаха първите части на филма. Вече по екраните се върти и последната. Защо тогава пиша това представяне? Прочелите докрая ще разберат. Надявам се. „Игрите на...
View ArticleTorrentFreak: No Copyright Trolls, Your Evidence Isn’t Flawless
If you get a letter through the post accusing you of Internet piracy, you must be guilty. That's the message from most copyright trolls and infuriatingly, even some 'neutral' lawyers commenting on...
View ArticleTorrentFreak: Cox Can’t Describe Rightscorp As “Extortionists” and “Trolls”...
Internet provider Cox Communications is not allowed to use derogatory terms to describe Rightscorp during their upcoming trial. Terms such as “copyright troll,” “blackmailer,” and “extortionist” are...
View ArticleMatthew Garrett: What is hacker culture?
Eric Raymond, author of The Cathedral and the Bazaar (an important work describing the effectiveness of open collaboration and development), recently wrote a piece calling for "Social Justice Warriors"...
View ArticleTorrentFreak: Copyright Industry Still Doesn’t Understand This Fight Isn’t...
With a lot of people streaming music and video from services such as Spotify, Pandora and Netflix, torrenting is less of a visible conflict than ten years ago. But similar fights continue in the shape...
View ArticleThe diaspora* blog: diaspora* version released
As planned, a new minor release following the new release schedule is now released. Over the past six weeks, we have managed to collect 40 commits made by 9 contributors for this minor release. This is...
View Articlexkcd.com: Fire Ants
This post was syndicated from: xkcd.com and was written by: xkcd.com. Original post: at xkcd.com
View ArticleTorrentFreak: Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of The Week – 11/30/15
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials.' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Ant Man' 'Another World' completes the top three.Source:...
View ArticleTorrentFreak: Swedish Pirate Bay Blocking Decision Will Go to Appeal
Last Friday's ruling by the Stockholm District Court that a local ISP cannot be forced to block The Pirate Bay will not mark the end of the matter. The copyright holders behind the legal action say...
View ArticleSchneier on Security: Cryptanalysis of Algebraic Eraser
Algebraic Eraser is a public-key key-agreement protocol that's patented and being pushed by a company for the Internet of Things, primarily because it is efficient on small low-power devices. There's a...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi: Triangulating the office dog
Emma, our office manager, has forbidden us any office pets of the higher orders. She has said she’ll allow hissing cockroaches, which was a singularly unpopular option. (Emma has a PhD in entomology –...
View ArticleLinux How-Tos and Linux Tutorials: How to Install Gitlab with PostgreSQL and...
Gitlab is a web-based git repository management application written on Ruby. It is similar to GitHub and includes features like a project wiki and issue tracking system. In this tutorial, I will guide...
View ArticleKrebs on Security: Gas Theft Gangs Fuel Pump Skimming Scams
Few schemes for monetizing stolen credit cards are as bold as the fuel theft scam: Crooks embed skimming devices inside fuel station pumps to steal credit card data from customers. Thieves then clone...
View ArticleLWN.net: Kernel prepatch 4.4-rc3
The 4.4-rc3 kernel prepatch is out for testing. "I don't think there's anything particularly exciting, although that obviously depends on whether some particular issue ended up affecting you or not....
View ArticleLWN.net: Garrett: What is hacker culture?
Matthew Garrett argues that meritocracy does not work as intended in development communities. "When people criticise meritocracy, they're not criticising the concept of treating contributions based on...
View ArticleAWS Official Blog: AWS Certification Update – ISO 27017
I am happy to announce that AWS has achieved ISO 27017 certification. This new criteria builds upon the ISO 27002 standard, with additional controls specifically applicable to cloud service providers....
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