LWN.net: Security advisories for Monday
Debian has updated expat (code execution), lxc (two vulnerabilities), and openjdk-7 (multiple vulnerabilities). Debian-LTS has updated expat (code execution), ghostscript (buffer overflow), and...
View ArticleBackblaze Blog | The Life of a Cloud Backup Company: Helping Hands: Steve...
We’ve never had an intern in the datacenter before, and that changed last week when Larry’s son Steve joined the datacenter ranks! We needed an extra set of hands to move and tear down a lot of our old...
View ArticleDarknet - The Darkside: Mimikatz – Gather Windows Credentials
Mimikatz is a tool to gather Windows credentials, basically a swiss-army knife of Windows credential gathering that bundles together many of the most useful tasks that you would perform on a Windows...
View ArticleSchneier on Security: Michael Chertoff Speaks Out Against Backdoors
This is significant.
View ArticleLWN.net: The Android “Stagefright” vulnerability
Here is an article on the "Threatpost" site about a set of remotely exploitable media-library vulnerabilities present on vast numbers of Android devices. "An attacker in possession of their target’s...
View ArticleLinux How-Tos and Linux Tutorials: Must-Know Linux Commands For New Users
One of the beauties of Linux-based systems is that you can manage your entire system right from the terminal using the command line. The advantage of using the command line is that you can use the...
View ArticleLWN.net: The Dronecode Foundation aims to keep UAVs open (Opensource.com)
Opensource.com follows up with the Dronecode Foundation, which was founded in October 2014. "In the past year, Dronecode's developer community has grown from 1,200 to more than 2000 contributors, with...
View ArticleSANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green: ISC StormCast for Tuesday, July...
(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. https://isc.sans.edu Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
View ArticleLauren Weinstein's Blog: What Google’s New Changes to Google+ and YouTube...
In a pair of blog posts today, Google announced major changes in the operations of their Google+ (G+) and YouTube services: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2015/07/everything-in-its-right-place.html...
View ArticleTorrentFreak: Spanish Government Claims Success in Internet Piracy Fight
The Spanish government says it's making headway in its battle against online piracy. In a report issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, the government claims that illegal downloads...
View ArticleБлогът на Юруков: Да се радваш на ехото си
Често приятели и познати са ми казвали да спра. Наистина съм похлупак на твръде много гърнета. Коментирам случайни неща, които видя в мрежата. Дали трябва и дали съм прав в мненията си е дълга тема....
View ArticleYABS: Градът линее
Бургас линее, по тебе копнее! Със улици пъстри и заливът бистри, за очите душевни, за усмивки вълшебни, от тебе те чакат, да дариш ги във мрака! Във мрака подтиснат от твоята липса! Вълните беснеят, за...
View ArticleSchneier on Security: Stagefright Vulnerability in Android Phones
The Stagefright vulnerability for Android phones is a bad one. It's exploitable via a text message (details depend on auto downloading of the particular phone), it runs at an elevated privilege (again,...
View ArticleTorrentFreak: Sony Settles Piracy Lawsuit With Russia’s Facebook
Sony Music has settled its lawsuit against Russian social networking site VKontakte, which it accused of facilitating mass-piracy. No further details of the agreement were revealed, but according to...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi: DDR meets the Simon game
Back in the heady days of the late ’90s, a number of my friends and fellow students were irritatingly good at Dance Dance Revolution. They devoted countless hours to it, and carried on earnest and...
View ArticleSANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green: Android Stagefright multimedia...
Joshua J. Drake from ZimperiumzLabshas reported a number ofvulnerabilities in the Stagefright media playback system deployed in Android operating system devices. These vulnerabilities permit remote...
View ArticleSANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green: Guest Diary: Xavier Mertens –...
[Guest Diary: Xavier Mertens] [Integrating VirusTotal within ELK] Visualisation is a key when you need to keep control of whats happening on networks which carry daily tons of malicious files....
View ArticleBackblaze Blog | The Life of a Cloud Backup Company: Hard Drive Reliability...
Each quarter, Backblaze updates our hard drive statistics with the latest data. As of the end of Q2 2015, there were 47,561 drives spinning in our datacenter. Subtracting out boot drives, drive models...
View ArticleSchneier on Security: New RC4 Attack
New research: "All Your Biases Belong To Us: Breaking RC4 in WPA-TKIP and TLS," by Mathy Vanhoef and Frank Piessens: Abstract: We present new biases in RC4, break the Wi-Fi Protected Access Temporal...
View ArticleLWN.net: Tuesday’s security updates
CentOS has updated clutter (C7: screen lock bypass) and qemu-kvm (C7: two vulnerabilities). Debian-LTS has updated icu (code execution). Mageia has updated chromium-browser (MG4,5: multiple...
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